Contract Date On 12/08/2017, I authorize the publishing and billing of my advertisement in Waynedaler LLC’s (The Waynedale News) publications, for the price and duration of the schedule specified in this document. I approve and understand that I retain the right to: 1.) revise the design of my advertisement as long as I provide the changes and required information in writing to my sales representative by 5 pm, 7 days before the upcoming scheduled publish date. 2.) increase the size or add color to the scheduled ad, or place additional ads as long as the contracted per-issue price does not lessen. 3.) choose how I would like to pay for the contracted schedule, whether in a per-issue, monthly, or lump-sum billing. On the behalf of: Business Street City State Zip Email I approve the minimum advertisement size, color, per-issue price and schedule of: Size Color Price Schedule All proofs will be supplied via e-mail, fax or available for pickup at The Waynedale News publishers office. I understand that it is my responsibility to respond within 36 hours when contacted by a Waynedale News staff member regarding changes to an advertisement or an advertisement proof. If the contact attempts are not returned within the time span, the advertisement may be deemed "good-to-go," will be published, and billed. Approval of a supplied advertisement proof must be made in writing. In the instance that I supply incorrect content for my advertisement and approve the proof, resulting in an error; I will not hold The Waynedale News staff accountable. When I supply artwork for my advertisement, I understand that I take all responsibility for copyright liabilities. By replying to this e-mail with "I agree and accept the terms," I understand that I am electronically signing this contract personally on the behalf of the company stated, and that I will be held personally liable for all expenses born from this commitment. With my electronic signature I declare that: I have reviewed, understand and accept the price, schedule, billing, and terms of my planned advertising outlined here. I also understand that I am required to pay for all advertisements specified within the contract by the invoice payment due date term of 15 days or I will be billed a $5 late fee if paid with the 15-30 day range and an additional late fee of 4% of the balance per month thereafter.